Purchasing a fully loaded SANY machine for your business is a big step, especially if you can’t pay for it all at once. Don’t worry, though! Getting a loan or some other financing to buy this equipment is a smart move because it can help your business build credit and find success later on. Although it’s a popular option for many, figuring out the best way to do it can be tricky. Luckily, we’ve got a guide that will help you figure out the best way to get you in your SANY today.
Understanding Your Options for Financing Heavy Equipment
When most people hear ‘financing,’ they think ‘loans.’ Loans are great if you want to own your equipment as soon as you buy it and build credit while you pay it off bit by bit. But there are other choices if you need something different:
- If you prefer to keep your cash for other things, leasing might be better. Leasing lets you use the equipment for a lower monthly payment than a loan, and you might get to buy it when the lease ends.
- Another option is a line of credit, which is good if you think you’ll need to buy more products. This way, you can spend up to a certain amount and pay back what you owe plus interest.
When it’s time to pick who you’ll get your financing from, you have a lot of choices. Many find that SANY’s financing does the job perfectly: We’re flexible and happy to help you find a customized financing solution through our program SANY Capital.
Others may choose independent financing. Independent financiers include banks, credit unions or companies that specialize in lending money for equipment. It’s important to look at all the details, like how much it’ll cost in the long run, and how you’ll need to pay it back to make sure you’re getting a good deal. Only you know what’s right for you and your business.
Figuring Out the Details of Your Financing
Once you decide on how you’ll finance your equipment, and who you’ll get it from, you need to look closely at all the details. This means understanding how much extra you’ll pay in interest, how and when you’ll need to pay back the loan, and any tax benefits you might get. Heavy equipment can often be deducted from your taxes, which can save you money. You also need to think about all the costs of keeping the equipment running, like maintenance and insurance.
What’s most important to you in a financing plan can guide your decision. Your business’s needs and goals are unique, so choose a financing option that fits with your overall plan.
Don’t Forget About Refinancing
If you’re worried about your terms, don’t fret: Your first financing plan doesn’t have to be your last. Refinancing can give you a chance to get better terms, like lower interest rates or different payment plans, which can help your cash flow. Whether you’re looking to improve your terms because of changes in interest rates, combine several loans into one or use the value of your equipment to get cash quickly for other needs, refinancing can be a smart move to help your business grow and manage its money better.
In the end, picking the right equipment and financing it wisely are about setting your business up for success. With SANY Capital’s financing and various independent financiers available, you’re in an excellent position to make the best choice for your business’s future.
Interested in experiencing the SANY difference firsthand? Dig into our extensive range of fully loaded machines, including excavators, wheel loaders and more. Contact us today, and let’s kick-start your journey with SANY.